Prayer Service to honor the 100th Anniversary of the lynching of Ell Persons.
3 p.m. on Sunday, May 21, 2017 at the site of the lynching near Summer Ave. and the Wolf River.
NOTE: Overton High School's Facing History and Ourselves Program, Students Uniting Memphis and the Shelby County Historical Commission will be unveiling a marker dedicated to the story of the Ell Person's lynching Sunday, May 21, 2017 at 2:00. Please join us at 5388 Summer Avenue as we set to memorialize this event on its centennial anniversary. Buses will be available to transport you from the Perimeter Mall parking lot to the site beginning at 1:15. Following the unveiling, you are invited to participate in the prayer service conducted by the Lynching Sites Project at 3:00 at the same location.
Students from Overton were the first in Memphis to call to the attention of other students and citizens the story of Ell Persons and the importance it holds for the Memphis community. (More)