Monday, August 24, 2020 - 7:00pm
For our 4th Monday LSP Community Meeting, we will be joining the American Psychiatric Association's Dr. Altha Stewart, Dr. Aletha Maybank, Dr. Kevin Smith, and Dr. Jeffery Geller for a virtual town hall meeting.

Dear Lynching Sites Project (LSP) Community:

Several years ago, when I was actively involved in juvenile justice reform, I found a new friend: Dr. Altha Stewart.  I discovered she had quite a following here in Memphis, and I quickly decided I wanted to be one of her followers.

Dr. Altha is the Director of the Center for Health in Justice-Involved Youth and Senior Associate Dean for Community Health Engagement in the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.  She is the first African-American woman to have served as President of the American Psychiatric Association (APA).  

Recently Dr. Stewart invited me and other members of her Community Health Coalition to join the APA’s second Town Hall on Structural Racism.  John Ashworth and I have decided to make this Town Hall the August offering for you, our LSP Community.   

In the midst of this difficult, distancing season, Dr. Altha helps me make connections more easily.  In April she was featured in Oprah’s “Black Women Own the Conversation” on the OWN network.  She said that, in trying times, finding positivity and humor are key. For her, starting the day by playing Pharrell Williams’ “Happy” helps.  (Try it!)

I am happy to introduce Dr. Stewart to those of you who do not know her.  I hope you can join me on Monday evening at 7 pm (NOTE the later time!), as she joins her professional colleagues to discuss solutions for improving Black Americans’ mental health.


(The Rev.) Thomas A. Momberg
President of the LSP Board


Click here to register for this event. 

Structural Racism, Part 2:  The March Continues

Monday, August 24, 2020 at 7:00 pm CST

Join APA leadership and an esteemed panel of experts for a virtual town hall to commemorate the 57th Anniversary of the March on Washington in August 1963. The march drew attention to the continuing challenges and inequalities faced by Black Americans a century after emancipation. It is also where Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his now-iconic "I Have a Dream" speech. The town hall will examine the following:

  • How the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is an outgrowth of the civil rights initiatives reducing the inequalities faced by Black people and their families.
  • Impact of racial injustices within APA and psychiatry.
  • How far we still must go to address structural racism and the charge of APA's Presidential Task Force.

APA Past President Dr. Altha Stewart, AMA Chief Health Equity Officer and Group Vice President Dr. Aletha Maybank, and 2020-21 REACH scholar Dr. Kevin Simon will join APA President Dr. Jeffrey Geller to discuss how structural racism plays a role in these inequalities and propose solutions to improve Black Americans' mental health outcomes. Dr. Geller will also discuss the formation of the APA Presidential Task Force to Address Structural Racism Throughout Psychiatry and its structure and charge, expected outcomes of the Task Force's work, as well as ways in which members can provide feedback.

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