At-Large Board Member
Mahendra Prasad, who was born and raised in Memphis, is a PhD candidate in political science at UC Berkeley. He’s been published in several venues, including AI Magazine, Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security, and the San Francisco Chronicle. He’s given several presentations, including at the American Political Science Association, EA Global London, Foresight Institute, KCBS, and the Midwest Political Science Association. He completed his bachelor’s degree with a double major in philosophy and political science from the University of Pennsylvania. Mahendra’s work with the Lynching Sites Project of Memphis began with the rediscovery of the People’s Grocery lynchings site, the lynchings that launched Ida B. Wells’ anti-lynching campaigns. Despite having grown up in Memphis and being a history buff, Mahendra is ashamed of himself because he never learned of the People’s Grocery until well into adulthood. He hopes that his participation in LSP will help prevent future generations from growing up in the ignorance that he had.