Tuesday, November 19, 1867 - 12:09am

The Last Chapter

End of a Late Trilling Romance of the Road

The Hickory Withe Highwayman Captured and Hanged

"...No further explanation was required. Judge Lynch had been at work; and the highwayman, whose daring exploits had been narrated with bated breath at a thousand firesides, was
a rigid corse. A swift witness had risen against him, and the executioner stalked behind until the fatal moment arrived. Who sent the desperado into the Shadows ? Nobody knows ; nobody cares, now that he has gone from them forever."

Public ledger. (Memphis, Tenn.), 19 Nov. 1867. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>

Public Ledger, 11/19/1867
Public Ledger, 11/19/1867